Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pittsburgh Personal Trainer

I'm not a chronic dieter and I'm not an avid fitness buff. I am however, a lover of all things skinny: J Brand Skinny jeans, leggings and hip hugging mini skirts so in order to pull off these wardrobe essentials, I have to stay fit. (Insert crying emoticon here)

Finding a Personal Trainer in Pittsburgh is not the easiest mission. So I did a what most twenty-somethings locked to a desk do, I used Google to find an expert. To my dismay, many of the listed trainers are tied exclusively to gyms, won't travel to you or (GASP) only work with housewives (who else can workout at 10am daily???). So when I discovered Terra Brozowski I was beyond thrilled.

Terra agreed to meet with me to discuss my fitness needs and my lifestyle before we setup an actual session. What I was most excited to discover is that in addition to traditional gym routines, she also takes clients on Cycling Tours of Pittsburgh!

So here's my goal: Size 26 jeans sans muffin top. If Ricky Lake can do it, I should have no excuses right? Fingers are crossed. . .here goes nothing!

1 comment:

Find a Personal Trainer said...

Nice review about this article..this is looking awesome..You doing great job..thanks for sharing here.