Monday, January 11, 2010

The Hiatus is O-V-E-R

Random Rambling:  I LOVE that champagne and popcorn compliment each other.

I'm back from being lazy and I resolve to get better about remembering to post a daily blog.  Lord knows enough random and crazy things happen in my life, so WATCH OUT 2010 here I come!!!

For a few of my other "resolutions" 

  1. Create my own Twitter account so I can officially offend whoever I feel is deserving or support any business I feel needs a little boost (that's my arrogant way of saying I try to stay ahead of the trends)
  2. Map out my projects for next year.  I always say I'm going to do this and then June rolls around and I'm more motivated to go to the beach than create a holiday budget. .  .and if this holiday season was any indication of my shopping habits, a budget is VERY NECESSARY come December 2010.
  3. Get back into my SKINNY JEANS.  Thankfully for Pittsburgh Personal Trainer, Terra Brozowski, this will become an actual reality!!!  Oh, and I'm going to start every post like I did today.  There's nothing like being judged by your peers.
  4. THE MOST important resolution.  Make more time for the people I love.  We are all guilty of this, especially with things like Facebook and Twitter making us feel like we are connected when we are really just being creepy online stalkers.

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